The MAP team reserves the right to choose who uses their website.
You may be blocked from accessing our products for a number of reasons.
You may be on our in house block list.
Our management staff may have previously decided that we are incapable
of serving your needs or that we are simply not a good fit to do business together.
You may present a security risk to other customers or to our company.
We may have blocked you because one of your prior accounts with us was flagged as
inappropriate or potentially hazardous.
You may be a serial refunder.
We may have blocked you because you have a history of excessive refunds or charge backs.
We do not tolerate abuse of our refund policy or PayPal's buyer protection plans.
You may have been blocked by 3 or more of our friends.
We trust and value the opinions of our partners. Our peer network blacklist threshold is set to 3.
This means that if you have previously been blocked by 3 or more vendors you can't buy from us either.
You may be on the payment processors global black list.
Payment processing companies have strict suppression methods in place to prevent
serial refunders from abusing the good will of legitimate vendors.
You may have violated our strict copyright rules in the past.
We work hard to create unique cutting edge digital content and we do not tolerate piracy
under guise of "curation" or any other form of trademark/copyright infringement.
We have a zero tolerance - one strike policy.
In efforts to protect our company and our customers we may chose to block anyone at any
time at our own discretion for whatever reason we see fit without warning, appeal or disclosure.
All IP addresses are logged and if we discover you have registered for the MAP program via other means you will forfit all commissions.